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A Little More To Life

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Woke up this morning with a 'show' (i.e. mucus plug from the placenta got dislodged, resulting in mucus like bleeding)

It is a good sign, as it signifies that labour is in sight. However, there is still possibility of waiting for days before the actual labour begins. I'm monitoring the contractions now, about 4 mild contractions (less than 30 secs) per hour (approx. 15 mins interval).

Yesterday, after the checkup, I was feeling so down, as despite all the diet control baby's weight has increased from 3.3kg last week to 3.5kg. And despite all the walking and moving about, baby's head is still not engaged and I'm not dilated. Doctor and us think that it is advisable to induce if we still want to try natural birth, cause baby is growing by the week. An induction by prostin was scheduled on 14 Nov 07, 10am. He will insert max of 3 tablets at (10am, 10pm and following day 10am) if my cervix did not dilate enough then I will need an emergency caesarean.

Being disappointed with the checkup outcome, I couldn't help but teared thinking of the worst:
- unable to move, being strapped to the bed for 2 days for CTG monitoring (which resulted in major headache the other time I was monitored overnight)
- not allowed to shower once admitted :( unless it is a scheduled caesarean
- painful intravenous drip on back of the hand
- paying double for cost of induction + 2 days use of delivery suite + caesarean (if cervix did not dilate enough)
- more pain and recovery time after caesarean means difficulty moving and carrying baby

Oh gosh, doctor just called my husband and ask us to go down to KKH clinic immediately to check my condition... ahhhh I don't want to be admitted so soon, it could just mean I need to spend more time strapped to the bed!!! It's a nightmare... Oh God pls help me.



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