Ethan had his 3rd dose of Pneumoccocal last Sunday - 20 July 2008, no fever this time round maybe cause we administered the fever medicine before he actually has a fever.
He measured 71cm and 9.25Kg at 8months 1week.
He loves to:
- Playing with tissue paper - tear and 'kao' the tiny bits which have dropped on to the bed
- Babble - Mamamamamum.. bababa...
- Watch Daddy vacuum, mop, sweep the floor (he'll watch with full concentration)
- Squeal and kick in excitement when Grandmas 'run' over to kuchi him
- Walk around the sides of his playpen
- 'Climb' up anyone who's carrying him
- Touch our faces/mouth etc during milk time
- Be tickled on his tummy/back, will keep still and then goose pimples will start to appear
- Eat solid (Sweet Potato, Pumpkin, Fresh Apple, French Beans, Brown Rice, Teething Rusk, Avocado, Banana)
- Swing his leg while sitting in the potty or in his high chair
- Bath, he'll splash the water and hold on to the bathtub when we try to pull him out

He hates:
- To be put into the high chair/walker/jumperoo... he'll use his famous 'dork kai' - single leg stepping on the seat with the other leg drawn up, when we put him in the high chair for too long.. he'll start to bang the table with his right hand and start to 'sing song'
- To clean his face with damp cotton balls, so we gotta wipe his face with bath cloth during bathtime
- To lie on his back